An Old Midlish Rhyme
The wind from the North sings of heroes of Olde
The wind from the East makes our blood run Cold
The wind from the South smells of Spices and Gold
But the wind from the West tells of warriors Bold.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

To Arms! The Beacons Are Lit!

Who will answer?

Prince Wyngnuht, 8th of his name, and the Valdurians!

"(Oh great, the 50 year veterans.....)"......."ANYONE ELSE?......"

"The Men of Dale and 2 Squadrons of the Horse Guards!"

"(Well, more would have been better, but that's something anyway.")


Brave Men! The Foe is upon us! The enemy desires to cross  the Duck River, burn your farms and drag your families into slavery! It is up to YOU to STOP THEM!.


  1. Exciting times ahead! Great to see these fellows.
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. The 50 Yr vets are still looking good

  3. Looking forward to seeing where their adventures take them, warriors of that age and experience should have some tales to tell!

  4. Lovely figures! How do you base them? It looks like you flock/add moss then paint over the top?

    1. Ahh. Well, generally, these days, I glue them onto the base, spread white glue over the base then dip them in a cookie tin of sawdust of various textures. When dry I paint them,using by putting puddles of greens, sienna, and ochre, thin enough to flow well, but not too thin, and slap it on trying to avoid a uniform colour, then add a drop of white glue here and there and add little bits from my cookie tin of green bits, flock, bits of lichen, stray bits of twigs, etc.

      However, some of these figures are 50 years old and have been renamed 5 or 6 times and beat evidence of previous bases and several were hastily rebased onto green bases in a hurry and haven't been reflocked yet .
