An Old Midlish Rhyme
The wind from the North sings of heroes of Olde
The wind from the East makes our blood run Cold
The wind from the South smells of Spices and Gold
But the wind from the West tells of warriors Bold.

Gathering of Hosts: (Updated 20 May 2024)


Simple One Page Rules for Dark Ages and Medieval Wargames  

****** 2 Sep 24 ***** Needs a bit more work, more troop types and special rules eg schiltrons/pike squares, possibly  more variations in armour and morale, etc. Also possibly forced recoil. Probably replace 1/2 casualties by die modifiers.  *****

Gathering of Hosts 

 Simple rules for ancient/medieval and fantasy wargames)

20 May 24

  1. Play Sequence. Determine which side is acting first this turn,1st player moves and shoots, then the 2nd, then both sides resolve melee. 

  2. Command. Formations and single stands within 12” and in sight of a general will act as ordered. Others must roll 1d6 to see if they may move: 5,6=Obey orders, +1 to the die if Elite or Veteran.
    -1 if skirmishers, archers or levies ordered to charge.

  3. Movement.

    1. Formation moves. A group of adjacent, touching, stands may move on a single die roll using the speed of the slowest stand. 

    2. Distances: Infantry, wagons ,etc: d6+6”

Archers, Lt Infantry, Skirmishers, Cavalry: d6+9”

Lt Cavalry: d6+12”

  1. Engagement: If a stand is within 6” of enemy, it is engaged. An engaged stand may only move into contact, retreat directly away, or stand in place, turning if desired.

  2. Charge: A charge is a move to contact. A stand may only charge an enemy in its frontal arc. Lt cavalry and Skirmishers  may retreat a full move facing away if charged.

  1. Shooting. 

    1. A unit must have a clear shot to a target in its frontal arc except LC may shoot all around. 

    2. Light Cavalry and skirmishers get 1d/stand@6”  and may move and shoot. Hit on 5,6.

    3. Archers get 2d/stand@12” but may not shoot and move. Hit on 5,6.

    4. Artillery: gets 2d/stand@18” but may not shoot and move. Hit on 5,6.

    5. Modifiers: Inflict 1/2 casualties vs Armoured tgt, cover, or skirmishers.


  1. Melee. If in contact both sides roll during the melee phase. 

    1. Dice: Roll 2d per stand in contact to the front, Pikes get 1d to the flank or rear.

    2. Cavalry and Infantry  hit on 4,5,6

    3. Light Cavalry, Pikemen, light infantry and archers,  hit on 5,6

    4. Modifiers: Inflict 1/2 casualties vs Armoured tgt
          Inflict 1/2 casualties if fighting pikes, or enemy with terrain advantage
          (eg uphill, defending an obstacle or uphill, etc).

    5. Follow me!: If a General is part of a formation, he may choose to risk himself by roll 1d6 in melee 5,6=inflict an extra hit on his enemy OR cancel 1 hit on an adjacent stand.

    6. After combat, cavalry which charged  must retire 1/2 move facing the enemy.

  2. Morale. When a stand has taken hits = its morale, it is removed.. 

    1. Base morale is 6 hits for infantry, 4 for all others. +1 if Elite/Veteran, -1 if Poor. When a stand has taken hits=morale, it is removed.

    2. Army Morale. In the absence of scenario victory conditions, an army that has lost 1/2 of its stands must concede.

Note: When halving, round off after all halving is done. (eg attacking uphill against armoured troops is halved twice or in effect, quartered.

Ross Macfarlane

If you have any comments or suggestions, please email me at

or leave a comment on this blog or the gameofthemonth blog.

(I plan to eventually add some equally simple fantasy elements and possibly, sometime in the future, some siege rules, etc )

20 May 2024


  1. Wonderful to see those... ancient... miniatures on the table!

  2. Thank you for your wonderful rules! Do you keep archives of the older versions?

  3. Not systematically. Periodically I try inbetween acceted versions but for a decade now the wargames covered by this blog have become a sort of sentimental nod to past days from the 70's to the first decade of this century when 'ancients' were my main wargame interest, rather than an active collection. (Hence the rare additions over the last few years and an average of around 1 game a year.)

    The current version isn't exactly a direct development of the original versions which themselves were based on some pre-blog rules, but I like the name :). Blogger doesn't seem to accept html code in comments anymore but if you click on the post from 24 Jul 2010 (2010 MEETING OF HOSTS JULY 25 REVISION) There is an early version there.

    Feel free to ask questions either by comment or to
