An Old Midlish Rhyme
The wind from the North sings of heroes of Olde
The wind from the East makes our blood run Cold
The wind from the South smells of Spices and Gold
But the wind from the West tells of warriors Bold.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Watchers in the Pass

After last year's raid into the East Watch of the Midlands, the Federation had been waiting and watching for a response from the Midlands. In the woods at the mouth of the Black Pass, the Old Ones watched the roads that the Steel Men might take. Long before the Midlish riders emerged, the word had been passed. 

"Hurry! They are coming!"

 to be continued........

(Note: The archers in the wood are home cast Prince August orcs. I originally painted these weird, hairless, brutes a greenish hue but they never looked right to me. Yesterday I decided to fix them so repainted their flesh and added shaggy hair and beard. Now they fit in! )

Saturday, June 17, 2023

To Arms! The Beacons Are Lit!

Who will answer?

Prince Wyngnuht, 8th of his name, and the Valdurians!

"(Oh great, the 50 year veterans.....)"......."ANYONE ELSE?......"

"The Men of Dale and 2 Squadrons of the Horse Guards!"

"(Well, more would have been better, but that's something anyway.")


Brave Men! The Foe is upon us! The enemy desires to cross  the Duck River, burn your farms and drag your families into slavery! It is up to YOU to STOP THEM!.

Monday, June 12, 2023


It has been 18 months since the Great Raid on the Eastern March of the Midlands. When his anger is fresh and hot, a warrior's anger may cloud his judgement. 

Now, tempers have cooled and the damage made good. With summer approaching, the Duke's messengers have been dispatched to his nobles.......

" The dish is cold, it is time to eat!"