An Old Midlish Rhyme
The wind from the North sings of heroes of Olde
The wind from the East makes our blood run Cold
The wind from the South smells of Spices and Gold
But the wind from the West tells of warriors Bold.

Monday, November 29, 2021

The East Watch Beacon Is Lit!

Rumours are constant on the frontier. Few are true but none can be ignored so the garrison at Eastford has been on alert for a week. A call for reinforcements has gone out, and mounted patrols of the river have been doubled.  Then one day.....

Alarm! Enemy in sight!

The local frontier garrisons are used to small raiding parties but this looks like an army marching towards them. The men peer over the palisade and some could be seen clenching their fists, shaking them and then opening them like men throwing bones in a tavern while muttering: "Lady Luck be with us".

Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Host Gathers For The Raid

 The talking is over. A plan has been agreed upon and the the raiders have mustered

The Valdurian component, led by the now recovered Prince Wyngnuht, is on the right as the eldest of the Federation. They are represented by one company of lancers and two of light cavalry. Two companies of the Federation Horse Guards are in the middle supported by a company of Dalish archers and two companies of Others from the mercenaries forces who guard the Great Pass which leads from Dale, past the Black Tower and into the heart of the Midlands. The Herdsman, with the largest force, form the left with 4 companies of archers, 4 of light cavalry and 2 of Lancers, 1 of which contains the Horse Master who has been given command of the expedition since he has the largest force.

With the Midlish army licking its wounds behind the Black Tower, and the Free Folk still harassing the Midlish Northwestern border, it was thought best to flank the Midlish defences by moving swiftly through the East Pass into the debated lands and crossing the Great River that runs down to the Middle Sea before the East Marchers of the Midlands can muster and block the crossings.

The horns were sounded, and the march began.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Great Raid: Prologue

At last the planning and preparations are done, the polyglot forces have gathered, and the Great Raid into the Midlands has begun.

Captain Theodora, at the head of the Third Squadron of Riders, pauses at the crest of the pass to survey the vista of farms and villages that stretch across the Midland plain below.

Captain Theodora, recently appointed to command the Third Squadron of Horse Guards, has been given the honour of commanding the allied advance guard. She may find glory at the head of this polyglot force but she is as likely to leave her bones for the ravens in these rich lands. 

As long as the Bards sing songs of her deeds it will be worth it.