An Old Midlish Rhyme
The wind from the North sings of heroes of Olde
The wind from the East makes our blood run Cold
The wind from the South smells of Spices and Gold
But the wind from the West tells of warriors Bold.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

The Enemy of My Enemy

 The peoples who make up the Northern Federation have little love for the Free Folk of the West but they are not the threat that that the  Midlands present, nor the rich source of plunder.

So it is was that when news reached the Eastern plains that the Westfolk had tweaked the noses of the Western Marcher Lords, and taken back their sacred Dalai, the Herdsmen sent out the Red Arrow indicating that men were wanted for a raid. 

They also sent messages to the Hills and Woods where the Others hold sway to invite them to join in on an expedition beyond the Mountains.

Is it just me or do those Spearman look a little nervous?


  1. I do like those Lizardmen - not surprising that there's some nerves jangling in the ranks.

    1. I got these from Rob (Sharp End blog), they're resin, Reaper maybe? Heroic??28mm? but they seemed to suit my 4cm Elsstolins better than vintage 25's. But, they don't exactly appear in any Prince Valiant strips so I figured I might as well introduce them to the 25's.

  2. Great figures, looking forward to this very much!

    1. Could be a while yet. Got some painting to do and a plot to devise.
