(note due to a digital (as in finger) error, the original text was deleted. What follows is vaguely similar...)
The wheels of time turned and fictional armies turned to historical ones, Arthurian (obviously going in small steps but Sword at Sunset has been one of my favorite books since high school and Rosemary Sutcliffe a favorite author), Late Roman (Hincliffe), Late Saxon (more Garrison) and eventually elements of the Valdurian army inclding Garrison Scythian foot archers and Sassinid slingers and javelinmen found themselves the nucleus of a Late Persian army when I added Skytrex hard plastic & Benassi metal hoplites, thracians and Scythians (in those days no respectable Athenoan army was without its contingent of Scythian foot archers!) then started converting RAFM Hellenistic figures. These faced off against Agisilaus and his Spartans until more hoplites and peltasts formed a late Athenian army . Some Republican Romans were painted up for a Legio game at Cangames and then the world turned again and Armati Carthaginian and Medieval Scots (more Valdurians) took the stage. Then came the 54mm WAB Interegnum. (must dig out some pictures of those). Finally about 3 years ago, I dusted off those old Persians and found that I could field a 3,000 pt Warhammer Ancient Battles (WAB) army. Just then, thanks to Rob Young, the old Garrison miniatures resurfaced so I added more and started back dating the army.

Note the archers on the hill in the left foreground, look familiar from the 1st picture?
So things are good right? Welllllll first I played some games against Gary McMahon's Assyrians (for example the Tabletop Teaser Getting Away With It) and started thinking about the Rise of the Persian Empire instead of its Decline and Fall. At about the same time I started unpacking old boxes from storage into my new gamesroom. What a mess, partial armies (various figures sold off), different basing, lots of broken stuff and orphans. What to do?

Next post: The analysis and formation of a project plan as I reduce this mess to 2 organized armies that can campaign against each other or proxy as enemies for any takers from 700BC(E) to ad700.
Welcome to the blogosphere! Look forward to following the Table Top Teasers.
ReplyDeleteCan I suggest making you images clickable and enlargable, please as it looks like you have some interesting pics and would be nice to see more detail
All the best
One of these days, must set up a blog of my own.
ReplyDeleteOne of these days.
hmmm the pcitures were clickable earlier, they aren't now. Wonder what I did? I'll work on it. Thanks for the comments.
ReplyDeleteObviously got here too late...
Pictures were fine and clickable on my visit.
ReplyDeleteNice to see your new blog, Ross. Look forward to visiting in the future.
Keith - http://keefsblog.blogspot.com
Now I see pictures! Excellent
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments all. When a little after midnight, after an hour or so of frigging with html for the 1st time in about 15 years, I managed to accidently delete everything I began to question my sanity but its all good today!