An Old Midlish Rhyme
The wind from the North sings of heroes of Olde
The wind from the East makes our blood run Cold
The wind from the South smells of Spices and Gold
But the wind from the West tells of warriors Bold.

Friday, August 30, 2024

If You Go Down To The Woods Today.......

It was already afternoon when the column came into view of the border tower.  The eerie quiet put the old soldiers on their guard.

Suddenly the Queen's curse broken the silence, followed by a screaming charge of painted warriors and beasts from all sides.

Before the spearmen could react, a horde of men and beasts was upon them upon both sides. Around the edges, arrows flew in both directions, when an open target presented itself.

Fierce fighting broke out as the column of squares struggled to reform from from marching order to squares but discipline and armour helped to hold the squares together despite the ferocious attack. Soon the lack of armour and discipline had their enemy at a disadvantage. Even the great apes were reluctant to plunge in. (ie lousy dice!

Losses were heavy on both sides and the woods folk fell back then regrouped, ready to throw themselves onto the pikes again when the call came. But with dusk drawing in, the Queen saw no reason to sacrifice more of her subjects when the enemy had been scarred and was obviously just wanting to go home. She ordered the horns to call the warriors back. Even the body of crossbowmen cowering in the edge of the great wood where the road runs through it, would be allowed to go. They had not chosen to come and fight. 

Night falls. Many were dead or wounded but the army was nowhere near broken, just eager to get home alive. 

The Great Revenge Raid was over and the survivors would soon be home while the spirits of the rest would wander the woods and hills for all time.

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Long And Hazardous Road Home

After the bloody battle against the Farmers, the Duke decided that he could report to the King that he had punished the enemy, even if he had intended to burn their crops and stores and hadn't come closer than a few outlying farms. What he had done is lose a bloody awful number of horses and more than a few noble knights had been wounded or killed, at least the Hillmen didn't take prisoners so there was no question of ransoms to be paid.  

"There we are lads! That's the border post, you'll have hot food tonight."

Oh, and of course he had lost a shocking number of men and a lot of their armour but both of these could be replaced, but no, none of that was going to keep him awake at night. It had been trying to think of a way to get safely past the woods and swamps folk on the way home that had been on his mind, but here they were at the border. 

"Wait, who is that on the high rock across the river? What is she calling out?"
"The evil ones have come! I curse them and their children!"

 Supper may be late......

To be continued......